
Quest Retail Private Limited - The Body Shop - Strawberry Shower Scrub 200 ml

Recommendation: Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (TAMS)

The Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) viewed the Website advertisement (https://www.thebodyshop.in/sale/body-scrubs/strawberry-shower-scrub-200ml/p/p060001), considered the complaint, and the advertiser’s response. The CCC reviewed the declaration provided by the head of regulatory affairs of The Body Shop. The CCC discussed that the declaration shows the calculated evidence used to support the claim of 30% recycled tube by showing calculation for PCR (Post Consumer Recycle) material content and PCR weight by using a supplier data sheet. The claim was not supported by any independent third-party data. Based on the advertiser’s submissions, the CCC concluded that the claim, “The tube is also made with 30% recycled plastic, so you can love your planet every time you love and scrub up that body”, was inadequately substantiated. The said claim is misleading by exaggeration and is likely to lead to widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers. The claim contravened Chapter I, Clause 1.1, 1.4 and 1.5 of the ASCI Code. This complaint was UPHELD.