
Divcare PC&H Private Limited - Kikigerm - Baby Laundary Liquid

Recommendation: Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (TAMS)

The ASCI had approached the advertiser for its response in addressing the objections raised in the complaint. The advertiser was offered an option to seek an Informal Resolution (IR) of the complaint by modifying or withdrawing the claims in the advertisement, or alternately to substantiate the claims with supporting data. The advertiser was also offered an opportunity for a telecon with the ASCI Secretariat, which they did not avail and neither did they submit their written response. The Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) viewed the Website advertisement (https://kikgerm.com/products/kikgerm-baby-liquid-detergent-2) and considered the complaint. The CCC observed that no response was received from the advertiser prior to the prescribed due date as specified by the ASCI Secretariat. Upon careful consideration of the complaint and in the absence of response from the advertiser, the CCC concluded that the claims, “Plant Based power” and “98% Biodegradable” were not substantiated with supporting data. The claims are misleading by exaggeration, and are likely to lead to widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers. The said claims in the advertisement contravened Chapter I, Clause 1.1, 1.4 and 1.5 of the ASCI Code. This complaint was UPHELD