
Ecowavez - stainless steel water bottle

Recommendation: Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (TAMS)

In the absence of a written response along with documents for substantiation on or before the prescribed due date, the ASCI Secretariat considered this complaint exparte. Claim, “Plastic-Free & Planet Friendly”, was not substantiated with supporting evidence such as robust data and/ or well-recognised and credible accreditations to prove that their product – ‘Ecowavez water bottle' is planet friendly. There was no data provided to prove that this `Planet Friendly' claim is based on the full cycle of the advertised product. Also, the claim was not supported with data to prove that their product (including the packaging) will be environmentally sustaining for the entire life of the product. Further the claim does not specify whether it refers to the product, the product's packaging, or just a portion of the product, package. The claim is misleading by exaggeration and is likely to lead to widespread disappointment in the minds of consumers. This advertisement is in contravention of Chapter I, Clauses 1.1, 1.4 and 1.5 of the ASCI Code, and Clauses 1, 3, and 4 of the ASCI Guidelines for Advertisements Making Environmental/Green claims..…..This complaint was UPHELD by Secretariat.