
Envogue Styles Global LLP - Savana

Recommendation: Upheld | Medium: Suo Motu - NAMS (Reech)

Important: Advertisers and brand owners are urged to sign up on our new TARA complaints management system. To register and give us your response, Click here. Ensure that you register as an "Industry Member" and with the name of the "parent company" [example attached]. [Please do not respond to ‘[email protected]’ as this is a no-reply system mailing address.] 1) Melanie 2024-12-6-7-C.37101(2412-C.5030) / January 02, 2025 (mehrpanchal) 2) Head of Marketing & Communications Envogue Styles Global LLP Savana Dear Sir/ Madam, Sub: 2024-12-6-7-C.37101(2412-C.5030) - Secretariat Recommendation - Suo-Motu complaint registered against the Instagram advertisement of ‘Envogue Styles Global LLP - Savana’ (Influencer – Melanie) (2412- EXRS.38) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This has reference to our emails dated 12th and 19th December 2024, to which we received no response from you. The ASCI had approached the influencer and the advertiser/brand owner for your response in addressing the objection raised in the complaint [https://www.instagram.com/p/DCGROMIir2z/] You were offered an option of modifying the advertisement by adding necessary disclosures in the captioned advertisement/post, or alternately provide adequate substantiation supporting reasons for non-disclosures. In the absence of required action on or before the prescribed due date, the ASCI Secretariat considered this complaint Ex-parte. Advertisement shows an Influencer promoting a women's fashion brand. The advertisement does not carry a disclosure label that clearly identifies it as an advertisement. The influencer / owner of the brand (advertiser) have not disclosed details regarding any material connection, monetary or non-monetary between the brand owner and the influencer nor does it indicate whether or not the influencer was paid to post the details of the advertiser’s clothing brand. The influencer has not mentioned any disclosure labels such as "Advertisement", "Ad", "Sponsored", "Collaboration", “Partnership”, "Employee", "Free Gift", “Paid Partnership”, “Affiliate”, at the start of the advertisement. The advertisement is misleading by omission and exploits consumers' lack of knowledge. Since necessary disclosures were not inserted in the captioned advertisement, this advertisement is in Chapter I, Clauses 1.4 and 1.5 of the ASCI Code, and Clause 1, 1.1(a), and 1.3(a) of ASCI Guidelines for Influencer Advertising in Digital Media. This complaint was UPHELD by Secretariat.